Join the Faculty of Perioperative Care
The Faculty of Perioperative Care

Welcome to the Faculty of Perioperative Care

The Faculty of Perioperative Care (FPC)

Perioperative practitioners, including Surgical Care Practitioners (SCPs) and Surgical First Assistants (SFAs), are an integral part of the modern surgical workforce. The aim of the Faculty of Perioperative Care is to offer support and career development opportunities for practitioners in this field, with regards to education, training and the setting of standards.   

10th Annual FPC Conference

The FPC 10th Annual Conference will be held on Saturday 22 February 2025 at RCSEd Birmingham Office.

The FPC Annual Conference with plenary and parallel sessions is open to all perioperative practitioners, as well as surgeons who work closely with Advanced Practitioners (e.g. Surgical Care Practitioners, Surgical First Assistants, Physician Associates and Operating Department Practitioners) and have an interest in the future of the surgical team.

The Conference will provide a face-to-face learning experience for perioperative non-medical practitioners working across the spectrum of different surgical specialties; enabling you to meet and hear from a range of speakers.

Click here to book.


Full details about sessions and speakers can be found in the conference programme here.


Abstracts are now open and being accepted for this conference. The submission deadline for Abstracts has been extended to 10 January 2025. You will be informed whether your abstract has been successful and selected for oral or poster after submissions close.

For more information, please see Abstracts Guidelines.

RCSEd and RCS England Unveil the Joint Initiative of the Managed Voluntary Register and Curriculum Framework for Surgical Care Practitioners

RCSEd and RCS England Unveil the Joint Initiative of the Managed Voluntary Register and Curriculum Framework for Surgical Care Practitioners

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and The Royal College of Surgeons of England are delighted to unveil the Managed Voluntary Register (MVR) for Surgical Care Practitioners alongside the new SCP Curriculum Framework.

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The FPC is developing a portfolio of bespoke courses for perioperative practitioners.

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13 March 2024

CPOC National No Smoking Day 2024

The Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) supports National No Smoking Day on Wednesday 13 March 2024 and is excited to launch a brand-new infographic on the impact of smoking in the perioperative setting.

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31 October 2023

The Faculty of Perioperative Care 9th Annual Conference Round-Up

The Faculty of Perioperative Care (FPC) held its 9th Annual Conference on the 7 October in Birmingham. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘The Role of the Extended Surgical Team in the Digital World’’ with speakers covering a wide range of topics including robotics in surgery and the enhancement of extended team roles during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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12 September 2023

The FPC 9th Annual Conference 2023

The Faculty of Perioperative Care (FPC) 9th Annual Conference is just a few weeks away! With a line-up of influential speakers and a programme packed with a vast range of topics in the field of perioperative care, this Conference is open to all multidisciplinary team members to attend on 7 October in Birmingham.

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