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The Faculty of Perioperative Care

Annual Conference 2016

The Perioperative Practitioner: Setting of Standards – An Opportunity or Requirement?

The Faculty of Perioperative Care and AfPP's Annual Conference took place in Birmingham on 29 October 2016.

This one day event informed delegates of the educational opportunities and requirements available and their translation into safe working practice. It highlighted the importance of documentation of operative activity including auditing of outcomes and comparison of data for all members of the surgical team. It also addressed the professional requirements of the perioperative practitioner through revalidation and regulation. It introduced and highlighted how the new Faculty of Perioperative Care at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, together with AFPP, can support the perioperative practitioner.

CPD Requirements for the Perioperative Practitioner R R Jeffrey
SFA Education - Fit for Purpose? S Hall
Simulation for Perioperative Practice A Geraghty
The e-Logbook - Not Just for Surgeons D F Large  
The Value of Auditing a Team N Stephens 
Challenges Faced by Students Joining the Surgical Team and the Next Steps for the Professional Group C Lee and A Jones
Revalidation - Realising the Benefits R Moore 
Current Issues in Professional Regulation S Kovach-Clark