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The Faculty of Perioperative Care

Annual Conference 2022

The Surgical Multidisciplinary Team: Delivering Safe, Skilled, and Effective Care

On Saturday 19 November 2022, The Faculty of Perioperative Care was pleased to be host their 8th Annual Conference in person at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. This was a fantasitc opportunity for delegates to network and hear from influential speakers across the field. 

The conference theme, ‘The Surgical Multidisciplinary Team: delivering safe, skilled, and effective care’ focused on career progression for various practitioner groups whilst exploring the benefits of working collectively in a modern surgical team.  

Delegates heard personal experiences of the challenges faced from the perspective of a Surgical First Assistant (SFA) and a consultant and a surgical trainee’s experience of working with non-medical practitioners. In addition, delegates heard presentations on the need for a professional indemnity cover and much more.

The Co-Convenors for the day were, Ms Susan Hall, Associate Lecturer in Surgical Care Practice at Anglia Ruskin University and Prof. Bhuvaneswari Krishnamoorthy, Professor in Nursing and Surgical Practice. 


Full details about sessions and speakers can be found in the conference programme here