Join the Faculty of Perioperative Care
The Faculty of Perioperative Care


The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in association with the Faculty of Perioperative Care (FPC) have developed a new webinar series for non-medical practitioners. CPD is important for all non-medical practitioners in the surgical team (e.g. SCP, ACP and SFA) to ensure their knowledge, technical and non-technical skills are kept up to date with current practice. RCSEd is the first College to develop a series of webinars specifically for this group which will complement the courses and the annual conference already run by FPC.

Members can also find out about other webinars delivered by partners within the field on this page. 

Archived Webinars

The recordings of these webinars are available to all FPC and RCSEd members to access with their login details. 

Webinar Archive

Upcoming Webinars

Check back for the latest webinars from FPC.

Patient Safety Webinars

The RCSEd Patient Safety Group (PSG) have made sure maximising patient safety and ensuring the highest possible standards of patient care have been at the heart of the College’s activity.

The PSG are excited to mark the first World Patient Safety Day by launching the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh new Patient Safety Webinar series. This series features contributions from renowned world experts in the patient safety arena drawn from a wide range of disciplines including surgery, anaesthetics, clinical psychology and law. Topics covered include WHO Surgical Safety Checklist, Medical Error, Systems approaches to improving patient safety, Morbidity and Mortality Meetings, Duty of Candour, Team Simulation and Informed Consent. Past webinars are archived and RCSEd members have access to this series. 

Patient Safety Webinar Series