Join the Faculty of Perioperative Care
The Faculty of Perioperative Care

Managed Voluntary Register

In recognition of the increasingly vital role that Surgical Care Practitioners (SCPs) play in the wider surgical team, we are happy to work collectively on a project with RCS England that will allow SCPs to demonstrate they are appropriately qualified.
The official database for SCPs, titled the Managed Voluntary Register (MVR) and supported by NHS England Workforce, Training and Education, will provide an opportunity for practicing SCPs in the UK to demonstrate to their peers, employers, and patients that they are appropriately qualified and working to the standards set by the two Royal Colleges. 

There are a number of benefits in joining the register, a few of these include:

  • Access to a curriculum designed specifically for SCPs
  • Joining a UK-wide SCP network
  • Helping to raise the profile of SCP’s
  • Validating qualifications, benchmarked by the two largest surgical colleges in the UK

 Find out more and join the register today