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The Faculty of Perioperative Care

New Perioperative Courses for 2018

15 January 2018 11:37am

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The Faculty of Perioperative Care (FPC) is continuing to develop its UK-wide portfolio of bespoke courses for perioperative practitioners in 2018. All courses are accredited by The Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP).

The programme begins in March with The RCSEd Triennial Conference ‘The Modern Surgical Team: The Future of Surgery’ in Edinburgh. This conference is for all those involved in surgical practice and will examine major themes including the future surgical workforce, the NHS staffing crisis and the role of perioperative practitioners. We encourage all perioperative staff and members of the surgical team to attend.

Surgical assistants are welcome on the Perioperative Key Skills Course in April, where the areas covered are reproducible and applicable to all surgical specialties. In June, the Perioperative Care Practitioners Intraoperative Non-Technical Skills (PINTS) course will be held in Birmingham and will enable perioperative care practitioners (PCPs) and surgical first assistants (SFAs) to improve their intra-operative performance and help them observe and rate intra-operative non-technical skills.

For more information, view the Faculty of Perioperative Care’s courses page.